Personal Belongings and What to Bring
Check ListBig Hugs has certain guidelines which need to be adhered to:
- All clothing should be appropriate for the weather and temperature.
- All children must keep a change of clothes at our daycare center in case of an accident. Please make sure that you change the spare clothing according to the season.
- All clothing should be clean and in good repair. Each item should be labeled with your child’s name on the tag.
- Please provide mittens rather than gloves since they are easier to manage in cold weather.
- Boots must be large enough to go on easily. When boots are worn, a pair of indoor sneakers should accompany your child.
- Personal grooming is emphasized.
- Please ensure that your child’s fingernails are kept short.
Every child is assigned a mailbox and a cubby. Daily, please check your child’s mailbox for notices, treasures and art work.
Infants/Toddlers are also assigned a dry food bin, a fridge bin for bottles/cups and a bin for extra clothes. Any daily sheets remaining in the in the Infant/Toddler Center will be disposed of at close of business.
All children in the Preschool are assigned two cubbies, one for their sleeping bag and one for their change of clothes and/or coat. If your child is not present for naptime they will be assigned only one cubby.
Wipes and Diapers
All children in the infant and toddler class must bring in 4 packages on the first of each month. Children in the 2 years old class must bring in 3 packages on the first of each month, and children in the 3 and 4 year old classes must bring in one package on the first of each month. All wipes must contain a minimum of 80 wipes and must be clearly labeled with your child’s name. We bill $3 per pack for all missing wipes.
If your child cannot share wipes due to allergies, you must still drop off your wipes or you will be charged $3 for each missing package. We accept refills, but we require all packages to be unopened.
Show and Tell
Each class has a show and tell day. Your preschool teacher will advise you what day your child will participate. If you wish for your child to participate, bring in their item of interest. Please ensure that the item is appropriate (no weapons, grotesque, or gruesome items, etc.). Please don’t send in anything expensive or that would devastate your child if it was lost or broken. While we try very hard to send items home in the same condition they arrived in, we can make no guarantees.

Arts and Crafts
Children create art work on a daily basis. We also utilize crafts as both artistic expression and for fine motor skills. Preschool classes prepare crafts usually 2/3 times each week. This does not necessarily mean that you will receive 2/3 separate projects. Some projects are involved enough to require 2/3 sessions (usually when both paint and glue are involved). If you have any items that you believe we could use for craft projects, please contact an administrator. We’re experts at turning “trash” into crafts.